Both Brandon and Angela Oliver were called into long-term missions individually and joined YWAM as their long-term avenue toward reaching the nations.
2012: The Lord commissions the Olivers in mobilizing others to missions work and long-term service in Thailand.

2014: Believing it necessary to "do first, then teach" the Olivers moved to Chiang Rai, Thailand for two years in order to receive an anointing from the Lord in mobilization and missions.
2016: After serving two years in Chiang Rai, the Olivers returned to America to pioneer YWAM North Idaho while choosing to focus solely on the nation of Thailand.

2021: The Lord moves miraculously through the entire YWAM North Idaho staff team and a decision to relocate the entire base to Trang, Thailand was made.
Mission Statement
"We commit to bring about the obedience of faith among the unreached nations by mobilizing, discipling, and going."
Mission Methods
Mobilization: Inspiring, challenging, and equipping Christ Followers to focus on God’s Global Purpose by aligning priorities, efforts, and resources so that the unreached people groups give their worship to Jesus Christ.
Discipleship: Relationally and holistically partnering with the Holy Spirit in the sanctification process while making disciples who make disciples in all our day-to-day life.
Going: Regularly going on outreaches throughout Southern Thailand and our adopted nations sharing the Gospel in both word and deed.
Simplicity: Unhindered ministry toward Southern Thailand first and then our adopted nations that pursue quality and effectiveness above quantity.
Prioritization: Directing all of our efforts towards finishing the task of making disciples of every people group, so that “those who have never heard will understand.” Choosing to prioritize ta ethne that are unreached and foregoing ministry among gospel-saturated/reached/those that have access to peoples. We will do what is not getting done in our ambition to partner with Jesus in ransoming a people from every tribe, tongue, people, and language.
Sacrifice: Doing anything and everything needed for obedience to God and the spread of His global worship.
Intimacy: Seeking the Lord's presence, moment by moment, and submitting ourselves and our ministry to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Intimacy applies to our relationships with the Lord as well as our YWAM community and each serves to supplement and support the other.
Kingdom Of God Culture Essentials
Humility: Our proper and rightful place before our Maker as sons and daughters who have been redeemed from our rebellion against Him. Having received this grace, we understand that we owe everything to God. As the fundamental virtue becoming of a Christ Follower, we strive to daily present ourselves as empty vessels for God to dwell and manifest His power within. We are to put God before self always, and when it’s loving and wise put other’s needs above our own.This is both our duty and joy.
Oneness of Mind: Each of us being fully convinced of the Person and work of Jesus Christ and living our lives devoted to His Global Purpose, we are committed to live out and accomplish the shared Mission, Values and Directives (MM’s and KOG Essentials) of YWAM Trang.
Fear of God: Knowing God as supreme, awesome, majestic, and holy, we strive to walk in His ways, hating what He hates and loving what He loves, serving Him with all our heart and soul, pursuing obedience to Him in word, thought, and deed.
Joy: In light of the hope we have in Jesus and our eternal inheritance as His redeemed children, we commit to rejoice in all things. Choosing to have a heavenly perspective in all we do and living in the Spirit, we oppose all that conflicts with the Kingdom of God and its values.