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Outreach Reveal Message

Writer: Erik GonzalezErik Gonzalez

Written by: Erik Gonzalez and Marie Parks

Translated by: Kwan Jitkhong

This message is for those who have been following our story thus far, for those who are partnering with us, and for those who may join in this heavenly cause which surpasses every human ambition: bringing Jesus the worship of the nations.

We as YWAM Trang have always set our sights upon the unreached, untaught, and unengaged. In our roots from YWAM North Idaho, our pursuits and resources were completely focused towards Thailand. Outreach teams and long-term aim was fixated upon this unreached nation. Believing in God’s direction to lay down the work in North Idaho and take up yet another pioneering task, we acted in faith and relocated our entire base to Trang which is situated in the heart of “The Forgotten South,” as it is commonly called. In many ways, this move was the culmination of our vision to mobilize and disciple the people of Thailand.

Convicted in our beliefs, we know God WILL use us to see Thailand transformed by the Gospel. Ministries will sprout, conversions will be made and kingdom advancement will occur in Thailand, the place we now call home. But now a question arises: “What will our new Focus Nation(s) be?” As YWAM, we have always been a missionary movement FROM the nations TO the nations and we seek to remain faithful to that calling. Thai believers indeed share in this mission and we believe God is opening the way for the church of Thailand to be His hands and feet, carrying the message of this Good News both to the remaining unreached peoples within their homeland AND to those beyond. We must remain a cross-cultural mission. So, we sought the Lord in humility and brokenness, desiring nothing more than for the God of heaven to again speak to us.

“As YWAM, we have always been a missionary movement FROM the nations TO the nations and we seek to remain faithful to that calling.”

It was unanimous. He has asked us to carry His Fatherheart in adopting the places still without gospel access, the unprioritized and abandoned. He has invited us to claim as our inheritance the “Remaining Neediest Red.” You heard that right. Not one, two or even five focus nations, but the remaining unreached, the neediest red! With faith in His Spirit’s empowerment and for the joy set before us, our answer is a resounding, “Yes, Lord!” We will continue to pursue unhindered ministry towards Southern Thailand first, but our focus now enlarges from Thailand to the neediest parts of the globe where we will send teams and establish ministries for Jesus’ glory and fame!

“What did you do with the one and only life I gave you?” This is a question we await with anticipation to hear from our Heavenly Father. What overwhelming joy will flood our hearts when in love we can say to Him, “In faith, I followed in Your footsteps. In obedience, I gave myself to the nations.”

What will your response be to Him on that day?

-YWAM Trang


Make disciples who make disciples…

who are then mobilized into their callings…

going into the nations!



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